Water Emergency has been reinstated for the City of Graettinger. Water off east of tracks everyone else please conserve.

Water is back on in Graettinger. Boil advisory east side of tracks until further notice.

Today (Sunday) The city of Graettinger is in a water emergency. EVERYBODY must conserve water. Water will be shut off east side of the railroad tracks. There will be a water boil to follow. As we get more information, we will post it.

Today was an exciting day as the FFA chapter posed in front of the school for this years chapter photos! Students braved the freezing temperatures to get some great shots!

Freshman Geography students integrating technology into their lessons by engaging in a Quizlet Live review game. Students said, "We are paired in groups which can help you decide which is the best answer." and, "Over time the more answers we get right the easier it gets."

8th graders in Mrs. Jungers' ELA class are learning about human intelligence. Students learned about the Rorschach test which allows individuals to look at ink blots and discuss what they see. The students made their own and shared their theories on what images they saw.

Check out the GTRA Music Boosters’ cake auction during tonight’s varsity basketball games in Graettinger. Be sure you have the winning bid to take home some of these delicious cakes, cookies, or other goodies! The winners will be announced during half time of the boys’ varsity game. Thank you for your support of GTRA Music Boosters!

AFNR (Ag, Food, and Natural Resources) students worked to complete a pH lab today. Students tested various substances for acidity, then neutralized the substances using Sodium Hydroxide and Hydrochloric Acid accordingly.

Today in our Unified Science class, students played a game called "Oh, Deer!" in which "deer" competed for "resources" to demonstrate population dynamics.

The GTRA Wrestling meet tonight with Manson has been cancelled due to illnesses.

On Tuesday the middle school Show choir performed and on Wednesday it was the High School Jazz Choirs turn to perform. Here are some pictures from their performance at the ILCC Jazz/Show Choir Festival. Way to represent G-T/R-A!!

Some of our G-T Middle School Students participated in the Iowa Lake Community College Jazz/Show Choir Festival yesterday. This is an educational festival in which area show and jazz choirs perform and receive feedback from experienced clinicians in preparation for the show/jazz choir season. Here are a few pictures from their performance!

The GTRA FFA chapter enjoyed attending the NW District fun night at the Spencer YMCA last Monday. The event was hosted by the NW district FFA officer team, lead by 2017 GTRA graduate and current Iowa FFA NW State Vice President, Cole Reiman. While at the event, students participated in a dress up contest, dodge ball, and completed escape room challenge. GTRA FFA members are pictured working through their escape room, dressed in 90’s workout gear, and with their championship dodgeball belt!

There will be no school at G-T/R-A tomorrow, Friday, January 18 due to the impending snow.

Check out our HS Jazz Choir breaking in some new microphones!! Thank you, Graettinger-Terril School Board for supporting our fine arts departments!!

Student in Biology are working on food webs for their ecology unit. Here are Mercedes DePyper and Braden Brown showing off their display.

Due to a sewer issue in Terril, the Elementary will be letting out at 11:00 with buses transporting. The HS and MS will continue with a regular day.

Auditions for the GT high school play, "Antisocial" will be held Monday, Jan. 21 and Thursday, Jan. 24 at 6:30 in the Graettinger vocal music room. You can email Mr. Benedict for a script. If you are an RA student and think you will need a shuttle ride, please let me know ASAP.

Great scrum today with our #NoBo team! Big things are happening and we can’t wait to get students registered for Fall 2019 of #NoBoundaries @rcunningham78 @W_Dible @carrydawnmiller @efrerichs @MarcBenedict15

With the impending weather tomorrow, we wanted to remind you how you can get updates on delays and cancellations happening at Graettinger-Terril. To receive School Alerts and Weather Announcements please register your email or phone number at: