After practicing piece cutting with templates, a rotary cutter and mat, students are now utilizing available technology to cut fabric strips for us in our Sewing and Textiles class!
about 6 years ago, Jeremy Simington
Cutting Strips
Students in our Anatomy and Physiology class looked at various leg bones last Friday. Students were able to see the red and yellow marrow, ligaments, tendons, vessels, sockets, and other structures associated with bones that they have been learning about in class.
about 6 years ago, Jeremy Simington
A&P Class
A&P Class
A&P Class
A&P Class
We are working on getting the word out about our new app. This is a FREE way for you to get information about what is happening at school! All you have to do is download the app from your smart phone app store!
about 6 years ago, Graettinger-Terril CSD
Introducing The Mobile App
The students in Textiles class performed a staining experiment on unknown types of fabrics. They hoped to determine the type of fiber used to create the fabric. Chemistry in the real world of Family and Consumer Science! #titannation #IowaSTEM
about 6 years ago, Graettinger-Terril CSD
FCS Stain Experiment
An unique and exciting learning opportunity will be available to GT/RA juniors and seniors starting next fall through the No Boundaries Project. This will be modeled after the Iowa BIG School. Check out their video to learn more.
about 6 years ago, No Boundaries
The G-T/R-A wrestling team brought home new hardware for the trophy case last night! Way to go Titans!
about 6 years ago, Jeremy Simington
Okoboji Invitational Wrestling Trophy
Representatives from GT/RA, Okoboji and Spencer met for the first planning meeting to prepare for the launch of the No Boundaries Project in the fall of 2019. We are very excited to be able to offer a new learning opportunity to students!
about 6 years ago, No Boundaries
NoBo KanBan
You may start seeing articles and news stories related to the new Iowa School Performance Profile. GREAT NEWS! G-T Schools MET all state benchmarks at all grade levels!!! This is great proof of that Graettinger-Terril School Teachers, Staff and Administration are working hard to provide a quality education for the students of Graettinger-Terril! Way to go, Graettinger-Terril Staff and students! Stay tuned to our news section for ways that you can access information directly through the Iowa Department of Education website.
about 6 years ago, Graettinger-Terril CSD
Iowa School Performance Profile
Thank you, Matt Buss and Emmetsburg Shopko for donating 12 cases of water to use over the next 1-2 days of school. Due to the water leak, we must wait for the City of Graettinger (Who are also amazing) to test the water safety. Thank you both for your support of G-T Schools!
about 6 years ago, Jeremy Simington
Water Donation
There has been another waterline break at the MS/HS in Graettinger - There will be NO SCHOOL at the MS/HS today (12/19) Elementary will still have a normal day with normal dismissal time. Students please check your emails for updates throughout the day.
about 6 years ago, Jeremy Simington
Congratulations to Alyssa Enderson who was sworn in tonight as Graettinger-Terril CSD Board Treasurer.
about 6 years ago, Graettinger-Terril CSD
Alyssa Enderson - Board Treasurer
Members of the G-T/R-A did a wonderful job presenting to the G-T school board tonight, providing information about their trip to the FFA National Convention & Expo. G-T/R-A FFA sent 13 students to National Convention this past year. National Convention is a place where FFA members nationwide converge in one place to celebrate their accomplishments and find inspiration for their next steps!
about 6 years ago, Jeremy Simington
The middle school PBIS trip is going great!! Students spent time visiting with residents at Parc Hall and the Emmetsburg Care Center and are now having a blast at the Wellness Center!
about 6 years ago, Jeremy Simington
Rockets in the classroom! How cool is that!?! Check out the video of the rocket and the diagram the students drew and labeled to show the different types of energy.
about 6 years ago, Jeremy Simington
Rocket Diagram
G-T/R-A Titan High School Music Program and Graettinger-Terril 6-8 Music Program will be performing tonight starting at 7:00 PM. Please join us for what are sure to be wonderful musical performances.
about 6 years ago, Jeremy Simington
G-T/R-A Titan Music
Looking for that last minute stocking stuffer? We still have a few Titan Popsockets left for sale. All proceeds go to the G-T/R-A Titan Golf teams! You can pick up your limited edition Titan Popsocket at the G-T high school office or Graettinger Chiropractic! $10 Per Pop-socket.
about 6 years ago, Graettinger-Terril CSD
Titan Popsockets
First day of Bigs/Littles in our middle school! We have paired up our 8th and 6th grade girls for peer mentoring and are starting out with fun ice breakers to get to know each other, followed by building up confidence, communication skills and resilience throughout the year!
about 6 years ago, G-T Counseling
Bigs/Littles Day 1
We now have a link to the G-T daily announcements on the app! We will continue to send out the announcements daily. This is just another way that you can easily access the daily activities at Graettinger-Terril!
about 6 years ago, Graettinger-Terril CSD
Daily Announcements (App)
Daily Announcements (App)
When you're driving around Iowa,Minnesota, and South Dakota keep your eyes peeled for this Ronald McDonald House of Rochester, Minnesota truck trailer. Our very own 6th grader Hailey Schnell is in the image on the far left of the trailer! Thank you, Hailey, for sharing the image!
about 6 years ago, Jeremy Simington
Schnell Ronald McDonald Trailer
Congratulations to Carter Murray who achieved his 100th win last night! Way to go, Carter!!!
about 6 years ago, Jeremy Simington
CM 100th Win